Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Party Entertainment Ideas for Every Business Occasion

Corporate Event Ideas
Having a tough time coming up with corporate party entertainment ideas for a company event, conference or corporate party?  Any party can be a success when you offer up a few delectable dishes, entertainment that truly is entertaining and perhaps a variety of adult beverages. 

Whether your party, conference or event involves staff members only or employees and guests, there are a few company party ideas that are suitable in almost any situation.  If you're looking for a few winning company events ideas, here are some great suggestions! 

Potluck dinner and music on the grounds.  There's always plenty of delicious foods when everyone on the staff brings along a dish. Enjoy a casual event that's unstructured; everyone can enjoy visiting around while the band performs some of those "oldies but goodies" rock tunes from the 70s and 80s.

Holiday parties.  With the holidays in full swing, you may be looking more for holiday company party ideas.  A dinner catered by one of the five-star restaurants in town is a great start!  Add in some soft music by artists who bring to mind those soothing crooners of the 50s, some jazz or even a string quartet.  Before you choose the music, though, consider your audience, their cultures or ethnicities.

Corporate Party Entertainment Ideas
Make your company's business conference anything but boring!  We all know that conferences can often put the audience to sleep - and most are anything but invigorating or exciting.  Change things up a bit this time. 

There are lots of conference entertainment ideas, but here's one you'll enjoy:  Depending upon the length of the conference, offer up plenty of breaks, snacks and entertainment.  If your conference will last an entire day, break it up and let the attendees relax with a little humor, an illusionist, or an impersonator.  Bring in coffee, soft drinks, a few snacks - or better yet, have a special room set up where those in attendance can enjoy the entertainment and snacks away from the business environment. 

Consider a catered picnic to show appreciation to employees.  Many companies today celebrate "employee appreciation day," so why not make it an event your employees will not soon forget?  In spring months when the weather is beautiful, consider an outdoor picnic complete with catered food like barbecue.  Everyone loves music, but you can shake things up a bit by adding an impersonator or even a live deejay to spin everyone's favorite tunes and make announcements.

It's really easy to come up with great party entertainment ideas; after all, who doesn't love some sort of music, comedy, talented illusionists who leave them wondering how in the world they could do that, or impersonators so much like the real artists it's almost impossible to tell the difference?  Hopefully these company and conference entertainment and party ideas will give you a new perspective on how to bring fun and a good time to any event.

When having your next event in Las Vegas please consider Ents LLC for Las Vegas Corporate Entertainment.